How to aviod tired eyes


I know of a lot of women who have just had children and struggling to get some sleep, asking me how to I get rid of my dark circles??

We all know the benefits of a good night sleep, but what do you do when you just cant get one?

Tired eyes can make you feel bad too either having ‘bags’ under the eyes or dark circles.

We have all heard to use cucumber slices as this ‘cools’ the eyes I’m afraid I’m going to tell you that this does nothing other than make your eyes cold for a little while.

The best thing to actually use is tea bags! Yes I said tea bags.

When you next make yourself a cuppa keep the bag and put it in the fridge. When its nice and cold and the little one has gone for a nap take this as your time to relax too! Just pop one on each eye and enjoy all the benefits.

The tea actually draws out the darkness in your eyes and if you do this regularly you will see a noticeable difference very quickly.

Try this everyday for a couple of weeks and let me know what you think.

Obviously the most important thing is to try your very best to get at least 6 hours a night.

Of course and my favourite beauty tip works here too and will work wonders on your tired puffy eyes and that’s drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day, again try this for just a week and you will notice a massive difference in your skin, eyes, hair and nails.

Let me know your thoughts, Amy xx
